Thursday, May 14, 2009

Was my first time at JEDI Unit Prayer @ St Andrew's Cathedral today and a few of us sat down to pray a loooong list of prayer points for everyone in the Lifegroup and it took approximately 30 minutes for us to get through the whole list.

Phew! Was a long yet refreshing time as we submit our requests to God!

Anyway, in the midst of praying through the points for various individuals in the group, I realised there was a common point for a few of them - to seek for direction in their career.

This immediately triggered off a note in me cos I am also seeking for career direction since I quitted my job in Australia. For me, I realised that I have a wide choice of jobs in front of me and I have been praying and asking God which job I should venture into.

At that very instant, God laid this upon my heart - it doesn't matter what job it is, but how I can impact others in whatever job I am in!

Wow! That really changed my perspective!

Think about it, if we are simply focused on the materials (, status quo etc) of a job, we will never be satisfied with what we have; because it is human nature to want something better than what we have. And when we don't get what we want, we get dissatisfied with our job. However, if we know that God has placed us in the job at that time for a reason (i.e. so that we can impact others), then we will be able to not be dissatisfied with the promotion/pay rise that we didn't get; instead, we will be focused on how we can impact the people around us.

Don't get me wrong - I am not saying that we should reject promotions/pay rises/career change; but the priority should be more on how we can impact others for God!

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. "
- Matthew 6:33