Friday, January 08, 2010

'Go' or 'Let's Go'

I realised something today (why did it take me so long?!!), I blog most when my mind is actively engaged (i.e. reading a book/researching on an issue etc). I am currently reading this book by John C Maxwell, "Developing the Leader within You" and only in the first few pages of Chapter 1, and it has got me thinking...

"A person may be 'in control' because he has been appointed to a position. In that position, he may have authority. But real leadership is more than having authority; it is more than having the technical training and following the proper procedures. REAL LEADERSHIP is being the person others will gladly and confidently follow."

By deciding where to go for dinner, we are leading. By saying 'No' to injustice, you are leading. Somehow or rather, like it or not, we are leaders in our own ways (though we sometimes do not see it).

As for me, I serve as a leader in church (with a certain amount of authority given to me) and the above statement in John's book has certainly got me thinking:

  • will people still follow me if I do not have the authority given to me, in other words, will people still gladly follow me if I no longer have any authority given to me?
There is a difference between a boss and a leader (taken from John's book):

  • The boss depends on authority; the leader on goodwill;
  • The boss drives his workers; the leader coaches them;
  • The boss says 'I', the leader says 'We';
  • The boss says 'Go', the leader says 'Let's go' 
Are we saying 'Go' or 'Let's go' to our team members today?