Sunday, May 17, 2009

Hope Centre Flag Day 2009

Today about 10 of us from JEDI (Jesus Empowered Disciples International) turned up for the Hope Centre Flag Day. The purpose of this event which involved the whole church was to raise $100, 000 for 500 students from low-income families.

God was watching over us all the time - from cooling the start of the day with a small downpour to a just-enough-clouds sky and finally, a cool weather to end off the day. Though it was a long one, I had fun - because I knew I was used by God to make a difference in the lives of the students from the low-income families.

So, what's a few hours of standing compared to that??!!

Anyway, some pictures to sum it all up.

We made it back!!

Women of God in JEDI

Advertising for event

The Campbell Marque ex-housemates unite!
